In past editions, it has sometimes happened that exhibitors have suffered thefts, especially of particularly rare and expensive small plant specimens. It is recommended that you prepare your display as best you can by keeping, as far as possible, the most minute and sought-after specimens away from the easy grasp of the unwary.

Collaboration among vendors is key to curbing theft: we keep an eye on our own products, but occasionally take a look at a neighbor’s stall, especially if he is alone at his store.

If we suffer a theft, it is important to notify the organization right away, and they will notify everyone present of the incident: if the evildoer feels hunted, perhaps he will do less damage.

During closing hours, the presence of security personnel is guaranteed, so the sales area is not accessible. In cases of absolute necessity please notify this organization to allow extraordinary access of authorized persons.

It is reminded that night watch services are arranged in order to avert the introduction of people who may commit theft and damage. However, this organization disclaims all civil and criminal liability for any damages implemented by third parties despite the presence of supervision.